Wedding stress

You know what’s funny? When I got married two years ago, I had a lovely old time. Me and the wife put the wedding together mostly entirely by ourselves.

We did get a bit of help from my family, mainly with setting up the venue, running the kitchen (making coffee in other words) and cleaning up the venue the following day.

It was very stress-free and simple. We had no expectations for our family, they kinda just helped with whatever they felt like. There wasn’t a ton to do.

So you can guess my surprise when being the bestman for my brother turns out to be quite the opposite of easy or relaxing. There’s a lot more coordination and planning to be done, I have more tasks than I had at my own wedding. I still haven’t written the speech and it’s less than a week away!

It kinda makes sense why this is stressing me out. I don’t have a clear picture of the upcoming wedding as it’s not my own. I don’t know what to expect and therefore I can’t plan anything ahead, I don’t know what’s to be expected as I can’t read anyone’s mind.

My wife also said something very similar to me just today, so I guess I’m not alone with the feeling. Luckily, in less than a weeks time it’s over and I can finally relax. But, before that I do have a ton of things to do.