Added thin strokes to headings, making the bg color pop. Recolored changelog page and edited Subscribe page.
Restyled tags and themed site heading if on a themed page. Also using just one post-item partial for all post item types instead of one for each post type. Also, tags are now alphabetized.
Added a process.env check for draft posts and added green to article type posts.
Styled this page! Also, fixed possible overflow with long links in footnotes and tags getting stacked too closely vertically on mobile. Centered home content from markdown.
Added review-score meta-section styling. Styled footnotes. Restyled tags in posts. Added a meta section for reviews with dt and dd for specs of reviewed thing. Readjusted button hover and active states when keyboard navigating.
Added review-score.njk partial for review score box at the end of article. Added new font size var, step-min-2 and readjusted step-min-1. Added skip link theming and reworked figure image design.
Added two new filters, yearsSinceDate and YearsSinceYear which allow me to compare either a YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY date to the current year and get the output as an integer. Added markdown-it-anchor to create linkable headings.
Reworked the main site heading text. Moved opengraph images to a new folder. Updated blog.njk to read partials based on post data type. Moved the h2 from home.md into home.njk so that it doesn’t get a linkable heading.
Split review meta-sections into their own njk files, album-meta and film-meta based on reviewtype field in the posts.
Removed tinylytics as the dev is not a nice person. Added a new article type, reviews and wrote Casiopea review. A bit hacky, but works. Updating logo header and main menu buttons.
First version of webmentions. Styled the kudos button and made a fancy ass box for the related meta stuff for posts.
Added tinylytics to test and kudos feature plus Mastodon links if I’ve shared it.
Wrote a post on webfonts and CLS. Also added some styling for figures and videos.
No mobile hamburger menu boisss! Baleeted that code and just replaced with a lil css, hiding text and just showing icons on mobile
Big feature upgrade! Now, the main content feed can have a mix of different content types, each with its own display right in the feed!
Working on removing the mobile menu and having menu always visible. Also added different collection categories and pages to the top. not a fan of the button look tho.
Added tags back to the layout. Still gotta add categories. Also, updated /about page with A/V gear and fixed nested list indentation.
Added a self hosted Umami instance for web analytics. Don’t worry, it’s privacy focused and doesn’t track you. Also fixed some minor layout issues and backend code for collection generation.
Made approx a bazillion changes to the CSS and page styles, imported old content and styles. Initial first version going live?