Wheel woes
I didn't have wheels of steel.
Beware of the productivity illusion
I fell for it once again.
Family gatherings
Surprisingly okay this time.
Wedding stress
Why are weddings so stressful?!?!
The interweb sucks
Pining for the yesteryears.
Symbol film review
Matsumoto's second film is easily the wackiest one I've seen in a long time.
Casiopea's debut album review
Casiopea's titular album came out 45 years ago. Is it still any good?
Webfonts and layout shifting
Solving shifting content with webfonts!
Temporarily Abled
I received a grim reminder today.
In with the new, out with the old
After three and a half years, it's time for a refresh.
Subset fonts with Python 3 and FontTools
Shrink your fonts and make your site faster.
Hello there
Back from a hiatus, maybe?
New site, who dis?
Taking back what's mine and sticking it to the man.
Embracing music genres
Understanding the usefulness of music genres for discovery and communication.
Don't waste your money on preground coffee
Only silly people buy preground special coffee. Here's why.
Fastest MEAN stack install on Ubuntu
I'll show you how to set up a MEAN stack in just a few minutes.